Current Rental Properties Avaliable
Before you come along to one of our amazing properties for a viewing, please ensure and be aware of the following.
- Viewings go for approximately 15 -20 mins, please be on time.
- You will need to take you shoes off before going inside the property, it's a good idea to socks to keep your feet warm.
- If a property is currently Tenanted you need to respect the current Tenants privacy; if this is the case you might not be able to open the cupboards in the bedroom or bathroom.
- You will need a current Driver Licence or Passport
- Excellent Credit History
- Amazing Refrences
- Personally Viewed the property and met with Pure Rental
Online Tenancy Application
Before you apply for one of our amazing properties please make sure you have the following ready to go so there is no delay with your application.
- A current Driver Licence or Passport
- Excellent Credit History
- Amazing Refrences
- Personally Viewed the property and met with Pure Rental
Login to Owner Online Portal
If you haven't got your Login Acess email yet please contact Pure Rental.
- Property proformance
- Statements
- Copies of invoices
- Access to quotes and work orders
- Inspection reports
- Current rental information
- Communicate with your Property Manager
- Cloud document access
Login to Tenant Online Portal
If you haven't got your Login Acess email yet please contact Pure Rental.
- Current rental information
- Inspection Schedule
- Report maintenance
- Communicate with your Property Manager
- Cloud document access